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Biological Treatment

Crown gall

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Crown gall is a big problem in the nursery and flower industry. It can affect more than 350 plant genera including different species and cultivars within a group.

Crown gall can be identified as overgrowth that appears as galls on roots and at the bottom of woody plants such as stone fruits, eg. cherry and apricot trees. Infection occurs on cuts where plants are pruned or damaged.

Crown gall is a bacterial disease spread through infected material, pruning-shears and by soil or contaminated water. When the galls are near the soil surface, the disease could have been transferred through the soil, water or infected plants were purchased. When the galls are on cutting edges the disease could have been transferred trough pruning-shears.

Plants infected sometimes grow slower and weaker as the plants grow older. Negative effects from galls formed on cutting areas are not as damaging as when the galls are formed on the soil surface or near the base of the plant.



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