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Inoculants list

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The increased demand for food crops in South Africa puts pressure on producers to increase production and quality of crops. STIMUPLANT CC is known since 1978 for the consistently high quality of their inoculants.

They specialize in the production of environmentally friendly microorganisms that ensure a high quality yield in agriculture. These microorganisms help the farmer to increase crop yield as well as maintaining soil fertility and even increasing it.

Why must legumes be inoculated?

In nature root nodulation is difficult since bacteria responsible for effective nodulation are scarce and sometimes even not present in the soil. However, when seed is treated with the correct rhizobium bacteria, plants that develop are immediately in contact with large numbers of the desired bacteria.

The plant can then develop more and more effective root nodules that lead to better nitrogen fixation.

When must I inoculate?

Anytime when legumes are being planted, inoculation can be considered because of the potensial nitrogen fixation and potensial increase in yeild caused by this.

Important points to remember when inoculation are considered.

• The specific legumecrop has never been planted in the specific field before.

• To increase the number of Rhizobium which are already in the soil

• The soil is acid or very alkaline which could negatively affect the Rhizobium count in the soil

• The soil is exposed to high temperatures and dry summers which could reduce the number of Rhizobium from previous seasons or inoculation

• The crop is Rhizobium specific so each time a different crop is planted the right Rhizobium needs to be used.

Stimuplant inoculants are distributed by Agchem.



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