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Product Type:

SulfoSoil is a liquid suspension concentrate fertilizer for use as a soil treatment to maintain or correct sulphur levels in plants.


Sulphur (S) 570 g/kg (800 g/ℓ)

SG (20 ºC) 1,40 ± 0,01

For optimum results SulfoSoil should be used in a programme and in combination with other balanced fertilizers and foliar feeds. SulfoSoil is compatible with most agricultural remedies. It is however advisable to do a miscibility test prior to mixing with other chemicals. Consult with your chemical distributor should crop specific programmes or any other information be required about the use of SulfoSoil.

SulfoSoil, containing elemental sulphur is oxidized to plant available sulphate by soil microbes in the presence of water. Under cool soil conditions the oxidation process will be slower. Ensure thorough agitation of the product during filling and spraying. Always use spray tank strainers when pouring product into spray tank. The spray tank must be flushed out with clean water at the end of the day.



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